July 31, 2019

Back to School 2019

The first day of JCPS is right around the corner

As students around Kentucky prepare to resume classes for the fall semester, many of them find themselves in entirely new situations. Maybe they've just moved districts or will be entering a new school. 

Navigating a brand new school year can be confusing, troubling, and even emotionally triggering. That's why the team of counselors at Maryhurst Renewal do our best to make sure the families and faculties of schoools at JCPS know about how we can help with these transitions. Our resources include sharing school supplies, working with families to navigate difficult or traumatizing experiences, and strengthening interpersonal relationships for youth who may struggle with behavioral health.

You can find us at any number of the dozens of back-to-school events happening over the next few weeks, or you can always reach out directly at renewal@maryhurst.org.

If you'd like to help make sure kids in our communtity have the resources they need, you can participate in our back-to-school donation drive or make a direct donation. Thank you!

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