Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our community. Your gifts enable life-changing activities like college visits, individualized therapy, and personalized help with independent living skills. Between instant donations (one-time or recurring), legacy gifts and memorial giving, we offer flexible options that can be designed around your needs.
Want to positively impact the life of a child who has been severely traumatized by abuse and neglect? Regardless of the time you have available to commit or your previous level of involvement, there’s an opportunity to make a difference. Come to one of our Paths of Purpose Lunch and Learns to find out how to get involved!
The reality is that the kids and families we serve often come to us with few (and sometimes no) individual belongings. That means we have ongoing needs for certain clothing and personal care items. During seasons like back-to-school and the holidays, we host donation drives for items specific to those moments in time.
Whether it’s buying a table at our annual luncheon, coming to a sponsored trivia night, attending a fun event hosted by our community partners, or just swinging by our booth at an industry conference, your presence at our events helps fund our programs and bring awareness to our mission.
By supporting Maryhurst through corporate volunteerism, in-kind giving or event sponsorships, you’re communicating to your employees, partners and customers that you’re an organization that values giving back. We’re also always looking for new partners that can offer community-based opportunities to the kids and families we serve.