Around Kentucky, thousands of girls are searching for a safe home after suffering abuse or struggling with emotional disorders. Too often, these young survivors spend years moving around short-term placements like hospitals, foster care, or other inpatient facilities. Maryhurst’s residential programs break the cycle using treatments that restore hope and successfully transition children to more permanent, community- or family-based settings.
Located in Louisville’s East End, Maryhurst’s campus-based residential program welcomes young survivors who no other residential program will accept — including those with profound cognitive, intellectual and social delays. We’re the only residential nonprofit in Kentucky serving adolescent girls diagnosed as severely traumatized by abuse.
Maryhurst’s MB Care program, located at Uspiritus’ Brooklawn campus on Goldsmith Lane, is psychiatric residential treatment serving adolescent girls struggling with mental health disorders that have resulted in repeated out-of-home placements. The staff at MB Care specialize in stabilizing psychiatric symptoms and repairing relationships so that adolescents can remain safely with their families in the community.