August 30, 2019

UBS Volunteer Group Beautifies Maryhurst Campus

We rounded out August with a much-needed service project beautifying the grounds at one of the cottages on our residential campus.

A dedicated volunteer group from UBS spent a full day in the late-summer heat mulching, pruning, transplanting, and more!

Their work took place in front of Madeline’s Cottage, a building on our residential campus that is home to youth assessed as having developmental delays, including:

  • Significant cognitive delays
  • Significant limitations in communication, self-care, social-interpersonal skills and functional academic skills

Beautification projects like the one UBS led are not just cosmetic ‘facelifts’ for our campus. There is therapeutic value in spaces that are free from clutter, aesthetically pleasing, and fit for recreation.

Staff will use the new-and-improved courtyard in front of Madeline’s to host outdoor activities for the residents as well as provide a simple place for calm and relaxation.

If you’d like to contribute to an upcoming beautification project or plan your own, contact Mary Summers at

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